pregnancy calendar

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Morning Sickness

Wow, morning sickness this time around has been so fickle! Yesterday, I was SO sick! I had a headache and I couldn't eat anything all day. After around the 6th or 7th time I threw up I stopped counting, but it was ALOT! All I could do all day was lay in the fetal position near the toilet. Poor Ayden, I know he senses when I'm not feeling well because he goes into good boy mode. He was wonderful yesterday, so sweet watching his movies all day and occasionally coming in to rub my back or give me kisses! What a sweetheart I have! Later last night I decided I would venture out to Walmart to pick up some supplies (popsicles, crackers, ginerale ale) and to try to find SOMETHING that I could eat. Brian went with me (mainly to pick up a blu-ray player :)) and when we got to Walmart I threw up in the parking lot! This is what I remember about being pregnant with Ayden, throwing up anywhere and everywhere! But I seemed to have been spared so far with this one (apart from yesterday!). My biggest problem this time has been sheer exhaustion. From the moment I wake, no matter how much sleep I got, I'm exhausted! It is just crazy how different these pregnancy's have been! And it will be really interesting to see how different things are throughout!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rough Night

Yesterday I was so tired! From the time I woke up I was completely exhausted. I don't remember being this tired before. Around 7:45 I announce that I'm going to bed! I actually make it to bed around 8:30. I don't remember the last time I have gone to bed before 10, but I was gone, fast! Brian came in around 3:30 (trying to keep with his schedule of staying up all night) and woke me up, which is not very hard to do. I woke up to pain! My head was throbbing and I was sick to my stomach. After a few hours of being miserable, I was finally able to throw up which seemed to give me enough relief to fall back asleep. Which lasted about an hour before Ayden woke up super early this morning. I felt exactly the same as last night. Have I mentioned I HATE tylenol, it's completely useless! I was able to throw up eventually again this morning, and even had a little back rub throughout it (thanks Ayden). I have a feeling it will be a long day!

Monday, February 8, 2010


This time around my morning sickness is SO different from last time. With Ayden I threw up a few times everyday until about 20 weeks. This time I have the same nauseous feeling all the time, but I can't throw up! It's awful! I feel so incredibly sick to my stomach all day, sometimes sitting by the toilet just praying that I can throw up! I'd almost say it's even worse this way. First of all, I think your body gets a sense of relief for awhile once you do it, and second I don't think my dear husband has any clue how sick I really am! It's easy for him to be more understanding when he sees me puke a few times a day. But when it's me just constantly complaining of a stomach ache all the time with no action :), I feel like he thinks I'm over-reacting or something.
One thing I would like to know is how mom's can change diapers with morning sickness!? Every poopy diaper I change I gag! It is the worst! That, along with grocery shopping. I went to the grocery store the other day and almost threw up in my purse! Going past the all ready cooked chicken's by the deli I wanted to die! And they have this weird olive bar type thing there, I'm not sure what's in there but it STINKS so bad!
I am also exhausted! Another thing my dear husband doesn't seem to understand. Exhaustion has hit me hard this time, and I constantly feel like I am battling to keep my eye's open! I can't get anything done, even thinking of a chore makes me tired! This is really hard because I feel so useless. I feel like I let Brian down every time he get's home from working all night and our house is still a mess.
It sure is different this time, because I have other people who depend on me. It was so nice to be sick last time and just have to worry about myself. Not to have to worry about Ayden, and meals, and cleaning, and running errands. If I was sick last time I would just curl up in bed, take a nap, and tell Brian to heat himself up a hot pocket for dinner :)

Friday, February 5, 2010


I am sick :(
That is all.